Birdie Love: Tweet Treats




1 package of Knox Unflavored Gelatine

6 Tablespoons of boiling water

2 cups of Birdseed


Mix water & gelatine in a mixing bowl.

Add birdseed.


Fill 4 small bunt pans.


Let stand in a cool area for about 4 hours.

Hang outside using twine for the birds to enjoy!


See my Linky Page for the parties I am participating in.

29 thoughts on “Birdie Love: Tweet Treats

  1. I'm a new follower, here from a hop! I hope you'll visit my blog and return the favor.

    I love this idea! I want to get another bird feeder. We had one when we lived in Missouri, but it was taken over by squirrels. And those suckers were MEAN. One would sit inside of the feeder (it had a top door) and would attack any other squirrel that tried to get near. I can still hear them growling in my head, LOL!


  2. Love, love, love this idea! It would make a great gift for anyone who loves birds/bird watching… and they'd love it even more if you included directions for how to make it yourself! Very creative 🙂


  3. I love this idea! Thank you for sharing! I am anxious to look through my little baking molds to see what cute little treats I can come up with for the birdies in the backyard! I am your newest follower!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,


  4. We should really make some of these, we have a big tree right by our back window and our kitties love to sit there and watch the birds come visit. Leaving them some treats would really bring our winged friends over again! Thanks for linking up to A Crafty Soiree.

    PS: Hope it didn't snow too much by you! We were excited because the rain melted a lot of the lingering snow of the ground…but then more snow ended up falling down. I'm so ready for spring!


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