DIY Ornament Wreath

I am so excited to share a project that I have been wanting to tackle for awhile. A couple weeks ago I asked a friend about coming over to make ornament wreaths with me. I spent a week gathering vintage ornaments at a few different thrift stores. Making the wreath really becomes inexpensive when you can by all the ornaments thrifted. Many of the boxes of ornaments only cost me $1.00 or $2.00 each.

Christmas Past

Last week was such a busy week, for those reading who do not know me, I am the Chamber Director is our small Michigan town. The weekend following Thanksgiving we hold an annual Holiday kickoff festival in which I am in charge of. It is a lot of fun, but also a lot of work! To top last week off I also became sick the previous weekend. I am feeling much, much better now and am excited to share a little bit of Christmas inspiration from our previous home.

Wine Bottle Stoppers

Once or twice a year I like to host a clothing swap party. The last party I hosted I choose a "Sip & Swap" theme. Everyone was asked to bring a bottle of wine for us to "sip" while shopping through the clothes that were brought. With the "Sip & Swap" theme I thought it would be fun to do a little craft to tie into our theme. I came up with the idea of making decorative cork stoppers out of cabinet knobs.